Engine Specs - S65 Camshafts

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Understanding Camshaft Specifications

CamSpecs.jpg Diagram: © Copyright Schrick

Explanations of the listed technical data
The opening angle and timing are minus the ramps indicated. The timings are given in EÖ (inlet opens in crankshaft degrees before TDC), ES (Inlet closes in ° after UT), AO (outlet opens in ° CA before BDC) and AS (Exhaust closes in ° CA after TDC). The spread is measured in °KW and describes the angular distance between outlet and ???. Inlet center of the gas exchange TDC (top Dead center). All valve lift values are excluding the valve clearance specified, that the actual Valve lift is smaller by the valve clearance. Since hydraulic cams have no clearance, match the strokes indicated to the actual Elevation values.

Factory Camshaft Specifications

Base Circle 30.000 1.1811
Lift 12.000 0.4724

Intake Open -1.000 ATDC
Intake Close 102.000 ABC
Exhaust Open 81.500 BBC
Exhaust Close 14.000 ATC

Schrick '284' Camshaft Specifications

Base Circle: MM (SAE)
Lift: MM (SAE)
Opening Angle (° CA)
Intake Opens
Intake Closes
Exhaust Opens
Exhaust Closes
Intake Cam 30.000
284 132-74 12 90 68 36
Exhaust Cam 30.000
284 134-86 96 8 48 56

Schrick '292' Camshaft Specifications

Base Circle 30.000 1.1811
Lift 12.200 0.4803

Intake Open -1.000 ATDC
Intake Close 102.000 ABC
Exhaust Open 81.500 BBC
Exhaust Close 14.000 ATC